UFO Live in Hollywood By DJ WILL, KNAC.COM Personality Thursday, October 29, 2009 @ 7:22 PM
UFO performed a really solid show, great musicianship, but in my opinion it was overshawdowed somewhat by Phil Mogg and his really, really dry English wit in between songs as it was non sequitur after non sequitur of aimless stories/gibberish that just went nowhere. Half the time no one could make out what he was talking about and it really was only the aspect of theUFO set that slowed the pacing I felt.
Hate to say this about a legendary performer but in the flow of what your saying if its not setting up the next song, 'dummy up' and sing!
Now to his credit Phil at age 61 still has the pipes and still hits the notes especially on 'Love To Love','Mother Mary'and 'Only You Can Rock Me'.
This version of UFO in support of the latest CD The Visitor is rounded out by Vinnie Moore on Guitar, Rob De Luca (ex-Spread Eagle/Sebastian Bach) on Bass and core members along with Phil Mogg, Paul Raymond - Guitar/Keyboards & Andy Parker- Drums
Go see them if they come through your town you may be less critical than I about what the singer is doing in between songs but make no mistake...its a solid 90 min of UFO classics!
THE SET LIST (most what you would expect)
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