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The Hunt Bags Another Trophy. Time to Mount Daughters Of Mara

By Tim Westergard, Las Vegas Contributor
Tuesday, January 1, 2008 @ 10:16 PM

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From time to time, KNAC.COM introduces you to a new band that is worth a listen. Our Las Vegas contributor, Tim Westergard offers up his latest catch. Check out Daughters Of Mara:

KNAC.COM: Tell our readers about your lineup.

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: Well, we've got Dave Elitch on drums, Andy Gerold plays bass, Eric Friedman is our guitar player, and I play guitar and sing. Andy and Eric cover backup vocals live as well.

We all come from completely different musical backgrounds and all four of us ended up in LA from different corners of the country. There was a lot of "right time, right place" weirdness that brought this band together.

KNAC.COM: Who are your influences?

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: I'm inspired by new music every day, and different influences find their way into my writing all the time, but the bands that have rung true with me for the last 15 years are Nirvana, Hum, Pantera and Meshuggah. Without any of those four, I would certainly not be the same as a musician - maybe even as a person. I learned to play guitar with their records, and that in turn defined how I approach writing.

KNAC.COM: I know Eric, who used to play with Submersed. He is a great talent, and a great guy. How were you able to snag him?

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: First of all, you're right. Eric is a great friend and an amazing guitar player, and it's funny how he and I ended up playing together. Eric and I had a mutual friend that put us in touch when I was looking for a guitarist. I sent him some demos and he called and said he really liked the songs, but he was still committed to Submersed. He passed politely.

It couldn't have been more than a month later, and I got the call that Eric had parted ways with them. We flew him out from Florida for a week's worth of jamming. Eric absolutely killed it, we got along really well, and we knew we had to play together. At the end of the week, he went back home, and less than a month later, he had all of his shit in a U-Haul and was moving to California. That was over a year ago, and we've been rehearsing ever since.

KNAC.COM: If you could send one CD/album up in the space shuttle to be left on another planet, to be found by other life what CD/album would you send to represent American Metal?

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: If we're talking about American Metal, then I'd have to say Vulgar Display of Power. There are lots of classic US Metal records out there, but that one says it all.

KNAC.COM: How important is the Internet these days in promoting your music?

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: The Internet is absolutely vital. Bands can reach a worldwide audience from their living room. Ten years ago, playing the town 2 hours away was "reaching out to a wider audience" for an unsigned band. Now you have local musicians scoring tours - sometimes international tours - and even getting signed based on their independent internet promotion alone. No matter which angle you look at it from, business or entertainment, the Internet is a part of the fabric of music now, and it can be an amazing resource.

There are 2 sides to every coin though, and no matter how important the digital world becomes, marketing alone will never outweigh integrity. A million random friends on your MySpace will never mean as much as that one kid who says your music changed his life. Marketing can be half the battle, but if you think of that before you think of your music, then in my eyes - no matter how many records you may sell - you've failed.

KNAC.COM: What are you currently listening to?

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: I've been listening to a lot of orchestral music lately. I buy a ton of music on iTunes and they've got a lot of great film scores and symphonic works that I can't find anywhere else.

I can't really think of any specific bands that I've been listening to lately, because I've been shuffling my iPod almost all the time. I had so much music that I never listened to, because I'd keep reaching for the same CD's. I've actually been trying to force myself out of that, so the shuffle makes me listen to music in my collection that I normally wouldn't go for.

KNAC.COM: Have you played guitar hero yet? Your thoughts?

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: That shit rocks! Plus, the 360 version comes with an Explorer, and those are the guitars I play anyway. People flock to that shit, because it's so much fun.

KNAC.COM: What is the funniest tour prank you have been involved with, whether you were the target, or a witness. You can plead the 5th on this.

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: I have to plead the fifth on this one. I can tell you that involved a bag of pubic hair...

...and I was an innocent bystander, for the record.

KNAC.COM: When can we get your Cd?

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: We don't have any official dates yet, but it looks like the CD will hit stores in March/April of 08. In the meantime, we will be playing shows and touring as much as we can.

KNAC.COM: If you could tour with any band, who would you choose, and why?

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: Any band, huh? If we're talking ANY band, past or present, I'd have to say Pantera. What a learning experience that would be. One of the greatest live bands ever.

If we're talking current bands only, then I'd say Metallica. No matter how big a metal band gets, their biggest headlining tour will never be as big as a chance to open for Metallica. They could play in front of 50,000 people everyday if they wanted to.

KNAC.COM: Anything you would like to add for our readers.

DAUGHTERS OF MARA: Just a big thanks to whoever is reading this. Keep supporting your favorite music and don't ever let your enthusiasm for music die. Find the bands that really mean what they say, and tell everyone you know about them. Their music will be with you always and to me, that's a very special thing.

KNAC.COM: Thanks Bro, I wish you well, I love your material, and the integrity you have in your music. And I will See you In Vegas Baby, Vegas!

DAUGHTERS OF MARA:Thank you very much.



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