Dragonforce in Tempe w/photos By CrpnDeth, Staff Photographer/Writer Monday, October 9, 2006 @ 9:14 PM
The stage preparation for DragonForce was actually pretty entertaining. Each microphone stand was equipped with its own double malt beverage receptacle complete with bendable straws for easy access. Also included in the stage set were two mini-trampolines and a front stage riser. Before the show started, the guys in the audience got a “show” of their own when a well-endowed beauty was sent on stage to simply… well… bounce on the trampolines. Let’s just say, it seemed to be a huge hit!
The lights dimmed and a red, digital timer on stage counted down from 3:00 and while waiting for DragonForce to finally hit the stage you could literally feel and see the tension building the crowd! Almost every person in the packed venue was trying to be as up front and close to the stage as possible without fear of the crush-factor. The barriers in the front of the stage actually appeared to bow behind the weight of the crowd crushing forward. The clock continued to countdown and as it got to 10… 9… 8… the crowd chanted with it 7…. 6…. 5…. fists pounding in the air. Even louder 4…3…2….1 – Lights on and each member came out on stage one at a time, each shredding out a riff as they musically introduced themselves to the crowd.
I have to admit, that before this show, I had no idea what “Power Metal” was. Wikipedia Encyclopedia simply reads “DragonForce”:
While this band had a very limited set at this year’s OzzFest, they seemed to win over the Arizona crowd. The parking lot was packed just 40 minutes after the doors opened and there were huge lines of people still trying to get into the, already standing room only, Marquee Theater. The crowd seemed to feed off every minute of this high-energy performance which was demonstrated as body after body surfed the crowd.
The members of this group are:
This is the group’s first year for US touring and is in support of their third release, Inhuman Rampage on Roadrunner Records. If you seriously want to get your money’s worth out of a show, go see DragonForce. Their personalities are larger than life on stage! With the synchronized double-jumping back spins of the guitarists off of the risers to the guitar vs. Key-tar riff battle that takes place center stage. That with the fantastic laser light show and the absolutely amazing musical ability by this group of 6 guys from the UK, I can personally guarantee, you will certainly get what you paid for – A Kick-your-ass show that you can’t stop talking about the next day!
Thank you to DragonForce for turning me on to “Power Metal”! I haven’t stopped cranking this band’s CD since the show and have since told everyone who will listen about the amazing show I saw at the Marquee on October 5.
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