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Defiance: An Exclusive Interview With TINO TROY Of PRYAING MANTIS

By George Dionne, Podcaster
Tuesday, June 18, 2024 @ 9:29 AM

"[PRAYING MANTIS] have never played in the United States...we'd love to play to the American fans."

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New Wave A British Heavy Metal veterans PRAYING MANTIS are celebrating their 50th anniversary. The band has certainly had their share of ups and downs over the last five decades.

One down that comes to mind is their break-up after the release of their debut album Time Tells No Lies in 1981. One up that comes to mind is their resurgence in Japan during the '90s which is probably a major factor into why the band is still out there today.

PRAYING MANTIS has quite the alumni of band members that have come and gone including Dennis Stratton (IRON MAIDEN), Paul Di'Anno (IRON MAIDEN), Doogie White (RAINBOW), Gary Barden (MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP), and Clive Burr (IRON MAIDEN).

Brothers Chris Troy (bass) and Tino Troy (guitar) have been with PRAYING MANTIS since the very beginning. They are currently backed up by Andy Burgess (guitar), Hans isn't Zandt (drums), and John Cuijpers (vocals). Their latest album is Defiance, it was released on April 19, 2024 through Frontiers Music.

I had the chance to catch up with Tino Troy to discuss Defiance, as well as waiting 44 years to finally release their cover of "I Surrender", the stories behind the singles, their touring plans, their 50th anniversary, being 'big in Japan', breaking up after the release of their debut album in 1981, their notable rotating singers throughout the years, Tino working on material outside of the band, retirement on the table, the origins of the band's name, and much, much more.


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