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Black Label Society Video Shoot in San Pedro, CA

By Tokemaster General, Contributor
Tuesday, February 1, 2005 @ 1:36 PM

Black Label Society Video Shoo

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REVIEW BY: Thumper

Horn's up everyone,

Thumper back after recovering the intense video shoot for “Suicide Messiah,” that was done down at Terminal Island/ San Pedro area at some water treatment/methane plant. First the whole song kicks some ass, you all won't be disappointed!

*WARNING, I do long reviews*

Well after waiting for days to find out if I had gotten selected, and then it seemed longer for the directions to come via ‘em, the day had arrived to be part of the video for BLS!!! Previous to heading down, I had seen a post at zakkwylde.com that mention a fellow S.D.M.F. was coming out from TX and needed some help getting there or suggestions, so I gave him a shout and found out that he would also have a S.D.M.F. coming in from AK, so I said I’d pick them both up on the way down. So I headed out from Simi Valley and went down to LAX and to their hotel and picked up Casey from TX and Jimmy from AK and headed back out to Terminal Island/ San Pedro area. No traffic at all, which is quite a surprise out here in So. Cal. So, we got there and clearly were the first fans there at 2:30, when you had to be there at 5. So saw where the shoot was and said okay, pulled in and parked inside and walked around and saw Zakk prepping himself with a bandana and then ran into Chad Dryer (finally could put a face to the name) and he showed us the 357 choppers that were there for the shoot and yes they are SWEET and took us over to the stage which looked sweet and saw Fred, Timmy and Big Dave.

After that, Chad said hang out and chill, then a production asst. or someone asked who we were and found out we were the fans and then were directed (babysitted) to the main gate due to insurance reasons. Sucked, but oh well. During this time, the crew and the BLS boys were riding around the plant area on the 357 choppers and YES to finally kill the damn rumor and noob question, Zakk was riding around on a few of the choppers.

It's about 3 now and hanging outside the main gate and rest of the BLS fans start showing up and then around 5ish, started to check everyone for camera's (nope), huge wallet chains (no-no) and if you were okay to be there and the legal paperwork.

During that time, ran into Demise and B.S. since it had been awhile, another brother that I hadn't seen since the Hellride Santa Ana show and another brother recognize me from the in-store signing that Zakk did before the Santa Ana show along with many other S.D.M.F.'S.

Well sometime around 6ish, we get the word that if we have any friends that are an hour way, have them head down and they are in, so it became cell phone calling time for everyone (not me and Demise) as we were both more than an hour away for anyone we knew to make it down.

Then finally around 7, we get in and are placed in a our new holding area for about an hour, the production crew were nice enough to bring out some water and to the ladies’ appreciation, bathroom breaks. Yeah, the guys did too, one particular lucky bastard, who happen to be wearing a camo hat and put Dime on it in silver, went to the use the head and was spotted by Zakk and invited in to the trailer for some beers.

After that we got lead in to the stage and shortly after the video filming started. A number of run-throughs for the main performance part, a few times of the parting of the red sea and the choppers leaving. Not saying too much -- don't want to ruin it for you all.

Zakk was at his best betweens takes, including numerous moons, drinking, general b.s. and stuff. Big Dave doing some crowd surfing, Zakk even brought up some of the fans to take everyone’s place, so they could take a break and have the fans play out the vid and song, so BLS could see how it kinda looked.

After all said and done, Zakk had us and the BLS crew and stuff, get in front and on the stage for a big "class" picture that we all would get a copy of in the mail. So that was pretty cool. Zakk did some signing after, and then the film company let everyone know, time to go. There appear to be some more filming done, but more concept stuff for the vid.

After that, took Casey and Jimmy back to the hotel and home back in Simi at 1:20.

All in all, a great time, great to see some of my fellow S.D.M.F.S, new and old. To see Zakk, James, Nick and Greg again, along with Timmy, Fred, Jason and Big Dave and finally meeting Mr. Com -- Chad and even Chad Lee and all of the BLS crew.

Can't wait to see the final copy of the vid and hope for some outtakes on a future BLS DVD - HINT, HINT!

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