Poison Live in Greensboro, NC
Tokemaster General,
Thursday, August 14, 2003 @ 3:07 PM
Poison, Vince Neil and Skid Ro
Saw the show last night. Probably 3,500 in attendance, but everyone was there for a good time.
Skid Row was the best that I've ever seen them. On the KISS tour a few years back, the new singer was still learning his way. Not now -- he commands attention and the crowd responded. It was nice for him to come into the crowd to sing, and he made sure to shake any kid's hands that were there. The new songs sounded good. New album might be one to check out.
Vince Neil was better that I anticipated. Most reviews recently have not been kind, but he rocked, mostly after the first two or three songs (was having trouble with his monitors). Actually sang most of lyrics and never stopped moving. Yes, he has put on a few pounds, but he still ran around like 10 years ago.
Poison -- what can I say? I actually am/was not a fan, but they were thoroughly impressive. It is not hard to understand why they are a big touring band these days. I doubt many of the old hair bands take it as seriously as they do, or sound as good as they do. Each member worked the crowd and were enjoying themselves. Rockett is a much better drummer than I expected, and they are much better live than on CD. I'd go again, for sure. One highlight was a guy that got on stage, ran to each member for a "high five" while security was chasing him. He escaped with a beautiful stage dive. CC did his guitar solo next, and before he began thanked the guy for stealing the show. He said, “No matter what I do up here, I can't beat what that guy did!” Nice to see them close with “Rock ‘N Roll All Night.”
All in all the best $29.50 I've spent on a concert in years.
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