Heavy Metal Kids Live in London
Tokemaster General,
Sunday, June 29, 2003 @ 8:48 PM
The Heavy Metal Kids Live at C
REVIEW BY: Batttttty
From the minute they smacked the audience in the face with the opening bars of “Blow It All Away,” the Heavy Metal Kids never lost momentum all the way through their set, forging full-on from one song to another with only essential breaks for the less-fit members of the crowd to catch their breath.
The band was certainly fit! Hard to believe that three of them were part of the first incarnation nearly 30 years ago. A few more doses of this music and we can all look that good!
If you loved the Heavy Metal Kids in the ‘70s, you won't be disappointed at all with the way they've evolved. The old songs such as “Delirious,” “She's No Angel” and “Chelsea Kids” slotted in seamlessly with the fresh bright material from their new album Hit The Right Button. They haven't lost any of the 'attitude' they had back then, and they merge it with a real-good-feel-good vibe that has a totally 'NOW' sound. They are a 'now' band – no question.
The two new members, both called Marco, complement the mix with a twin guitar sound that perfectly fits the pace of the songs. And the pace-knobs are set to 'eleven' for the whole gig!
Not only do they sound great live, but these songs are a ‘must’ for playing on radio. We've put up with mediocre stuff on music-radio for far too long, and songs like “Blow It All Away,” “Girl Of My Dreams,” “Gotham City,” etc., will make people want to listen to the radio again - and not just in the background. I'd even stake a fair-sized bet that radio commercials played directly after songs like these would get a higher response-rate than other commercials. Not sure if it's called the 'wake-up factor' but whatever it's called, they've got it!
100% entertainment, and FUN too, exactly like rock ‘n roll ought to be.
If you didn't get to see them this time round, make sure you catch them when they tour later this year. And don't be late ‘cause they'll start without you if you're not there!
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