Chimaira Live in Springfield, VA By Tokemaster General, Contributor Friday, June 6, 2003 @ 11:51 AM
The date: Monday, May 19th, 2003
The place: Jaxx Night Club, Springfield, Virginia.
Since the Rhode Island club incident the owner of JAXX , Jay Nedry (long time drummer for the ROADDUCKS) vowed to never allow ANY pyrotechnic displays of any kind into his club and has given the utmost attention to providing the safest environment for the patrons, bands and his employees.
The show: Chimaira, keeping their promise to make up for the show they missed out on due to the bus accident, the price for tickets was reduced to $10.00! I won my tickets from KNAC.COM and was able to attend both the show that was missed and the show to put on to make up for the missed show so in total, I got to see like, seven or eight bands over the two dates.
The Doors opened @ 7:30pm
The original show, took place on April 21st. Which featured Chimaira, Lamb of God and several local acts.
Unfortunately... Chimaira was unable to make it on that date due to a tour bus accident.
From the Chimaira.com diary page:
Sorry dudes 4.22.2003
Our deepest apologies go out to the fans in Springfield, VA and Columbia, SC. We got in an accident on the way to VA, our bus slid out of control and hit a cement barricade. We rented a van and tried to make it to VA, but we ran out of time. Then when it came to getting to the SC show, we got caught behind a huge accident and we were in dead stop traffic for over 3.5 hours. We are really sorry for not being able to make it. We have already rescheduled a Springfield show for May 19th, so if you save your ticket stub from last night, you get in really cheap (if not you can still come it's just not as cheap as it could be!!). We are going to work on a day to make up Columbia soon. Sorry once again, but as you know by now this band is cursed with vehicle problems, even now that we are in a bus!
Before the bands took the stage, the management had it’s in-house sound engineer take the mic’ go through the location of each fire exit in the building, as well as the usual walk don’t run bit, it was nice to see that someone is finally taking the issue of our safety so seriously.
The opening acts, Anomaly and Stuck in Kaos deserve at the least an honorable mention, for a couple of local bands (they weren't that bad!) getting the crowd primed for Chimaira.
Chimaira went on @ 10:00 pm (ish)
Starting out the set with “Cleansation“ and “Powertrip” from their “Impossibility of Reason” CD.
The rest of the set was as follows: Let Go, Lumps, Silence/Divination, This Present Darkness, Sp lit, Pure Hatred, Dehuman, Eyes of a Criminal, Pictures in the Gold Room, Dead Inside and Severed.
This band kicks serious ass and if you don’t see them…you’re not a pure rocker!
The rest of the set, which lasted a good hour was a good mix of songs from all three of the Chimaira’ CDs Impossibility of Reason, Pass out of Existence and This Present Darkness.
This is one band to watch out for in the near future, Good things happen when you get a combination that works as well as this group of hard rockin’ players.
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