Rush Live in Montreal
Mitch Lafon,
Thursday, January 16, 2003 @ 2:09 PM
Rush Live at the Bell Center i
Last time I saw Rush was about twenty some years ago at the Montreal Forum with Max Webster opening up. I was a little younger and saw the show because of reputation and not a burning desire to see the band. Having seen KISS on the Dynasty tour just prior, I was used to spectacle, and Rush was about the music. As a kid, when the circus comes to town you want it to come every day and Rush wasn’t the circus. They were a musicians’ band, so I didn’t get it, and for years after I avoided Rush shows because I would think back to that one day of no blood spitting, no fire breathing, no rising drum kit, no smoking guitars and be disappointed. Luckily, somewhere along the line, I grew up. Sure, I still love KISS. Spectacle is always nice, but now I get it. I understand what true musicianship is and on this night (October 18th) Rush drove the point home. The band put on a show that I won’t soon forget from the washer & dryer churning away on the stage, to the precision light show and to a wall of sound or should I say sounds. It was pure. It was cathartic. Rush made me forget about twenty years ago and made me look forward to the next twenty. Hopefully, they’ll be around that long. For I need to see them again.
The evening itself was divided into two parts (see photo for the complete set list). The band put on a marathon show that was centered around the best of the best ‘musician’ songs and songs for the ‘die-hard.’ It was a little disappointing not hearing “Fly By Night” or “Closer To The Heart,” but overall no complaints. Writing this reminds me of one thing I forgot to do… pick up their new album Vapor Trails… after all if it can sound this good live… the album itself must be killer.
(Photos Courtesy of Mitch Lafon)
(The Editor apologizes for the delay in posting this review).
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