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Eternal Rains: Metal Mark's Exclusive Video Interview With Mikael Akerfeldt Of OPETH

By Metal Mark Mihalo, Tulsa Contributor
Friday, December 26, 2014 @ 12:04 AM

At Gas Monkey Live, Dallas, Texas

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Sometimes one of the greatest moments in life is when you get to meet a person whose music has changed your whole outlook on life and the ever expanding world of heavy metal. This was truly the case when I got a chance to meet Mikael Akerfeldt, song writer, guitarist and vocalist for the Swedish metal band OPETH. It was both an honor and a pleasure to talk with him, especially just before the show later that night. Without Mikael's vocals and the music of OPETH, my eyes would still be closed to the genre of Death Metal and such great bands that I have really gotten into since I first heard their album Still Life; IN FLAMES, INSOMNIUM, NOVEMBERS DOOM and AMON AMARTH just to name a few.

Meeting in the dressing room at the Gas Monkey Live in Dallas, Texas, Mikael and the other band members were getting ready for the meet-n-greet for the VIP ticket holders before the show that night, so we only had a little time to chat. I know Mikael does interviews all the time, and the same questions over and over again has to get old after a while, but he takes each question calmly and really thinks about what he is going to say before answering. Even if the question was only to provoke a short response, Mikael would take it upon himself to expand upon his answer. It made for some great conversation during the twenty minutes I got to chat with him. What was crazy was just as the interview was getting going, RED FANG I believe, started their sound check which was right on the other side of the wall from us. We had to pause from time to time and raise our voices as it was pretty fucking loud, but it was just awesome to be sitting there chatting with Mikael on behalf of KNAC.COM. I would like to thank Mikael for being a good sport enduring another interview, and Steve the tour manager for all his help.

Check it out below!

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