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Tommy Lee Live In Seattle, WA

By Sefany Jones, Contributing Editor
Monday, July 15, 2002 @ 3:01 PM

Lee Rocks The Showbox In Seatt

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REVIEW BY: Chris Curtis -- Seattle, WA

What can I say about Mr. Lee that hasn't been said already? Nothing...

However, in light of his public life the last few years, pending lawsuit for a child drowning at his Malibu home last year and recent divorce from Pamela Anderson, this man still knows how to deliver the goods in a show!

In support of his freshly released Never A Dull Moment CD, Lee rocked a small crowd of about 800 at The Showbox in Seattle on a relatively boring Tuesday night. The crowd, hoping for some spat of Tommy's regarding his ex-wife, would be disappointed in that regards. Lee did, though, show that leaving Motley Crue and heading in his own direction was a wise move.

Now mind you, I've seen Motley Crue in concert several times (dating back to the Theatre of Pain tour), so I thought I knew what to expect. And in some ways I wasn't let down. However, Tommy showed me and the entire crowd that he knows how to work an audience... something I always felt Vince Neil failed at miserably.

Lee opened the show with "Higher" from the new CD… great song that really got the crowd going. He then followed up with "Ashamed," which enticed a few more people to move forward to see Tommy's "infamous" package. ‘Nuff said.

The band then took a short break and left the stage. The main video screen behind the drum kit, then broadcasted the words "titty cam." Lee then emerged from the side holding a camcorder and prompted the ladies of the crowd, "Let's see 'em girls." Needless to say, this was something that was widely accepted by the gals and guys of the audience, as each woman in the audience brave enough to flash Lee, had it broadcasted on the screen. He even threatened some girls off to the far side that someone better show 'em or he would come over there and do it himself. The biggest ovation came from a lovely blonde near center stage who, shall we say, "had the goods." God bless that woman!

As Tommy ended the video session, he asked the guys of the crowd, "Who's your buddy?" You are Tommy. Thank you so much!!!!

Lee then went back into jamming with new songs which included "Why Is It," "Hold Me Down," and then "Metamorphosis" from his last CD under the Methods of Mayhem title. He then slowed things down and performed "Blue," which he dedicated to his recently, past away father. For such a bad ass, Lee showed he is maturing and that's a welcomed sight!

In a slight twist, he performed "Fame 02," which is his rendition of the David Bowie classic. I can't say I'm a huge fan of cover tunes, but this one sounded fresh and fit with the other songs of the evening.

In not straying too far from his Crue days however, Lee had a dancer join him on stage while the band performed "People So Strange" and "Afterglow." I'm not sure if this was actually needed, but I guess if you're gonna see a big-name act in a small venue, these things should be expected. I will say, the dancer was nice eye candy, but did little to arouse the crowd at all.

As the evening quickly wound down, he ended with "Sunday" before exciting the stage. Before the song, Lee kept asking the crowd about some guy near the middle of the audience if he was okay. As it was discovered, some guy in a wheelchair had worked his way to within four rows of the stage. I'm not sure who the guy was, but I give him full 'props' for being there and for withstanding a rock crowd.

The night ended with "Shout at the Devil" for the encore. While I wasn't totally surprised he performed a Crue song, I was surprised at how well the song came off. Once again, Vince Neil could never hold my attention (I guess that's what happens when you're not some teenage girl from the ‘80s) and having Tommy perform a Crue classic like "Shout" reaffirmed my beliefs. His deeper voice is better suited for the songs dark lyrics as well as the new "industrial" sound he added.

All in all, it was a great evening that showed some old Tommy and some new Tommy. While I hadn't purchased the new CD before the evening, it sure will prompt me to pick it up now. As the crowd exited The Showbox, everyone was talking about the "titty cam" and the high energy Lee put into a short, but kickass set. I guess, when describing a Tommy Lee concert, some things are better left unsaid and for others to view themselves!

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