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TRAPEZE The Lost Tapes Vol. 2

By Rob McNees, Vinyl Aficionado
Thursday, December 19, 2024 @ 7:28 AM

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The Lost Tapes Vol. 2

Metalville Records

It's taken me awhile to sit down for this review as I felt (and still feel to a certain extent) that I didn't have enough information to do this album justice. I know that everyone isn't as anal as I am when it comes to their music. I get that. But I do try to give you, my intrepid readers, as much info as I can. I feel it gives the music more depth when you know a little about what you're listening to. Unfortunately there's only so much I can gleem from every source I could find about the second release in the TRAPEZE Lost Tapes series. So, just as my last review of the first Lost Tapes' release, I'll try my utmost to give you what timeline info I know. The rest I'm just kinda guessing from the lineups listed on the album. So let's carry on then, shall we?

Leadoff track is "Homeland", with the lineup of 'The Voice Of Rock' Glenn Hughes, bass and vocals, Mel Galley on guitars and backing vocals, with Steve Bray on drums. A newer track I've been able to find on a few compilation releases but all were Live. This is a studio track, and a great cut. Mr. Hughes is in fine form, not surprisingly. How this man can still sing like he did in the 70's with nary a bum note to be had, Live or otherwise is astounding! I figure this is from the early 90's. "Hold On" is a demo version of the track released on the Running album. Now this is a bit tricky, as this album was a German release only with an extremely buxom blonde in the act of running I suppose, if that even matters. Needless to say this cover was banned everywhere else, and now is a much sought after rarity! But not to fret as the same album was released in 1979 everywhere else and called Hold On, with an old English jalopy on the cover. A downgrade cover-wise to be sure. This was the 6th and final album from TRAPEZE, and the only one to feature vocalist Pete Goalby, who went on to sing for URIAH HEEP.

Track 3 is "Loser", a demo version of that funkified cut from You Are The Music, We're Just The Band with the classic Hughes-Galley-Holland lineup. TRAPEZE was a huge entity here in Texas, and if you can get your mitts on the Live In Houston release, recorded at the now defunct Sam Houston Coliseum on Saturday the 21st of October, 1972 at 7:30 pm, then grab it! Back in those days bands would sometimes play 2 sets in one day instead of consecutive days. Can you imagine that nowadays?? Also from this lineup on this release are demo versions of "Way Back To the Bone" and also "Coast to Coast". All 3 are a treat to hear in this early form. "Take It On (Down the Road)" is the demo version of the cut from the Hot Wire album from 1974 with Galley (on lead vocals as well as guitar), Dave Holland (yes, the same drummer from JUDAS PRIEST fame if you don't know), Pete Wright on bass & backing vocals, Rob Kendrick on 2nd guitar and Terry Rowley on synths. Also from this era are "Wake Up, Shake Up", "Turn It On", "Can You Feel It?" and "Midnight Flyer". Great versions of this underrated lineup.

"Must Be In Love" is a demo that features Mel on guitar, Pete on bass, Pete Goalby on vocals and Steve Bray on drums. It comes from a session recorded at the same time as an interesting 80's album (1987 to be exact) called Dream Runner. The band was PHENOMENA. This was a concept album from Mel and his brother Tom Galley, who is the mastermind behind both Lost Tapes releases. The band that was put together for this record is nothing short of astounding! And also a memorial of sorts to some of the greats that are no longer with us. That includes Mel on guitar, the late Ray Gillen (BADLANDS, Iommi's BLACK SABBATH) on vocals, the late John Wetton (KING CRIMSON, ASIA) on bass, Toshihiro Niimi (BOW WOW), and John Thomas (BUDGIE, GEORGE HATCHER BAND) on guitar. The living on this record are guitarist Scott Gorham (THIN LIZZY, BLACK STAR RIDERS), bassist Neil Murray (WHITESNAKE, GOGMAGOG), Kyoji Yamamoto (Japan's BOW WOW) on guitar, vocalist Max Bacon (BRONZ, NIGHTWING) and a few more. It's worth having if you're a fan of any or all of those players.

Also from this session is "Fighting", which in itself is a 'who's who' of Rock & Metal. Why some of these folks and songs didn't appear on the album is odd to say the least. "Fighting" has Glenn on vocals & bass, Mel on guitar, Don Airey (RAINBOW, DEEP PURPLE) on keys, and the late Ted McKenna (RORY GALLAGHER's band, THE MICHAEL SCHENKER GROUP) on drums. A fine upbeat track here. This was also released as a video and the 1st single from Lost Tapes Vol. II. Check it out if you're curious. And there's also "Welcome To The Real World" with the same lineup as above. You can hear that 80's decade to be sure on this cut. Finally there's the most poignant track on here, "Live Fast, Die Laughing", which is the last song that Mel ever recorded before succumbing to that vile disease cancer. It was Mel on guitar, bass & vocals, and Gary Alkins on drum programming. Tom had said that Mel had gotten the fire back and was even tossing around the idea of getting TRAPEZE back in working order, but sadly this was not to be. A fitting tribute to the man who lived and breathed rock and roll. Funny too how much Mel's voice is similar to Glenn Hughes. High praise indeed.

If you're a fan of TRAPEZE, Hard Rock, or any of the many players who passed through the band's influential world, this is a must to add to that monumental legacy. Maybe a fine present from ol' Saint Nick for the discerning rock fan in your life. Or Krampus if you swing that way. However you slice it, grab it proudly and play it loudly! Mel would be most pleased at that. Rid yourself of that "Black Cloud" following you.....

And yes Grinch, there is Vinyl for this classic release! I picked up the limited Clear version to help me with this review (also to jam naturally). And there is the coal black version as well for all those naughty & nice. Merry Christmas everyone. See you next year!!🧑‍🎄

4.4 Skulls Outta 5.0 ☠️☠️☠️☠️

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